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“The value of science to society lies in its unorthodoxy and ability to challenge accepted concepts and theories”

- P. C. Mahalanobis

Causal Analysis of Transport Network

Bhuyan P*, Jana K*,  McCoy E,  2023,  Causal Analysis at extreme quantiles with application to London traffic flow data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), Vol: 72 (5), Pages:1452–1474.

* Both authors contributed equally.

Bhuyan P, McCoy E, Li H, Graham D J,  2021, Analysing causal effects of the London cycle superhighways on traffic congestion, Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol: 15 (4), Pages: 1999-2022.

Modeling of Incomplete Longitudinal Data

Jha J*, Bhuyan P*, 2021, Two-stage circular-circular regression with zero-inflation: application to medical sciences, Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol: 15 (3), Pages: 1343-1365. * Both authors contributed equally.

Bhuyan P, 2019Estimation of random-effects model for longitudinal data with nonignorable missingness using Gibbs samplingComputational Statistics, Vol: 34, Pages: 1693-1710.

Bhuyan P, Biswas J, Ghosh P, Das K, 2019, A Bayesian two-stage regression approach of analysing longitudinal outcomes with endogeneity and incompleteness, Statistical Modelling, Vol: 19, Pages: 157-173.

Capture-Recapture Methods

Bhuyan P*, Chatterjee K*, 2024, Estimating prevalence of post-war health disorders using capture-recapture data, Scientific Reports, 14, 14763. * Both authors contributed equally.

Chatterjee K*, Bhuyan P*, 2024, Estimation of population size with heterogeneous catchability and behavioural dependence: applications to air and water borne disease surveillance Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), Vol: 187(1), Pages: 110-131* Both authors contributed equally.

Chatterjee K, Bhuyan P, 2019, On the estimation of population size from a post-stratified two-sample capture-recapture data under dependence, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol: 90, Pages: 819-838.

Chatterjee K*, Bhuyan P*, 2019, On the estimation of population size from a dependent triple‐record system, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), Vol: 182 (4), Pages: 1487-1501. * Both authors contributed equally.

Distribution Theory

Ghosh S, Bhuyan P, Finkelstein M, 2022, On a bivariate copula for modeling negative dependence, Statistical Methods and Applications.

Bhuyan P, Ghosh S, Majumder P, Mitra M, 2020, A bivariate life distribution and notions of negative dependence, Stat, Vol: 9(1).

Analysis of Time-to-Event Data

Nanda P, Bhuyan P, Dewanji A, 2021, Optimal replacement policy under cumulative damage model and strength degradation with applications, Annals of Operations Research, In Press.

Bhuyan P, Mitra M, Dewanji A, 2018, Identifiability issues in dynamic stress-strength modeling, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Vol: 70, Pages: 63-81.

Bhuyan P, Sengupta D, 2017, Estimation of reliability with semi-parametric modeling of degradation, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Vol: 115, Pages: 172-185, ISSN: 0167-9473.

Bhuyan P, Dewanji A, 2017, Estimation of reliability with cumulative stress and strength degradation, Statistics, Vol: 51, Pages: 766-781.

Bhuyan P, Dewanji A, 2017, Reliability computation under dynamic stress-strength modeling with cumulative stress and strength degradation, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Vol: 46, Pages: 2701-2713.

Interdisciplinary Research

Jha P, Banerjee S, Bhuyan P, Sudarshan M, Dewanji A, 2020, Elemental distribution in urban sediments of small waterbodies and its implications: a case study from Kolkata, India, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Vol: 42, Pages: 461-482.

Chattopadhyay N, Bhuyan P, 2020, Player selection strategy: a quantitative perspective, Proceedings of the 62nd ISI World Statistics Congresses: Contributed Paper Session, Vol-3.

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